Mum's, Partner's and Baby's Names
Baby's DOB
Email Address
Would you recommend me?
Here's a challenge; tell your birth story in 5 sentences or less!
Imagine I wasn't there. Tell me all about how I helped you and how it has made a difference.
You can talk about pregnancy, labour, birth, postpartum...
Can you pin down your partner a squeeze out a few words about how I helped them?
It is incredibly helpful for partners to hear from other partners how having a doula has helped (eg. working as a team, helpful suggestions, preparation, tools and techniques ie. massage/acupressure).
What is the most memorable moment of our time together?
Did I say or do something that really stayed with you or helped when the going got tough?
What was the most helpful thing I did to support you?
Enough about me! Tell the mummas what the most helpful things were to you in labour?
e.g. TENS, a mantra, a change of mental focus
Did I help you with any additional services (massage/placenta encapsulation/infant sleep or infant massage course/yoga)? If so, were you satisfied and if you have a few words to share about the experience please do.
Is there anything you could suggest to help improve the service?
Perhaps there is something that you would have liked to see included in the service?
Do you feel that you got good value for money? Do my fees reflect the service you received?
(e.g. on-call period, antenatal education, phone support, physical & emotional support, professionalism, photography, postpartum support, professional referrals, lending library of books and items)
Would you mind letting me know how you found me and why you chose me?
If you were to share words of wisdom with a first time family preparing for labour, birth & bringing their baby home, what would it be?
Would you like to rave about any practitioners/websites/podcasts/groups you used during your pregnancy or postpartum to other families?
Please share any details you have and I will definitely pass them on.
Are you happy for the information you have provided to be used as a marketing testimonial?
Testimonials are a vitally important way for people to decide on whether a particular doula is going to be the right fit for them. It helps them understand the benefits of working with me and enables them to feel more confident.
I am happy for all or part of the information to be used
I would like the information to remain private and not to be used
Do you have any awesome photos or video you can share with me to accompany your words?
You can email everything to me at
Yes, I will email to you
Thank you so much for taking the time to give feedback on your experience.
Your feedback will help me to grow as a doula and a therapist and facilitate empowering experiences for other families. Sharing your experience helps others to understand the benefits of having a doula, and possibly choosing to work with me.
Your tips and recommendations are always greatly appreciated by new families!!! (Feel free to leave more recommendations on my Facebook page for everyone to see or send through any time!)
If you would like to, you can also leave a rating on my Facebook page ( ) and Google Maps location which would be appreciated like you wouldn’t imagine! I have only recently set up my Google location so don’t have many reviews or star ratings yet (oops!) Every bit of feedback is incredibly valuable.
Birth Story
Have you thought about writing down or recording your birth story?
Why should I write my birth story? - Birth Without Fear
Also, I am setting up a Positive Birth Stories section on my website soon to give inspiration and comfort to families preparing for birth and would love to include yours. (If you would like to remain anonymous that is absolutely fine.)
Keeping in touch
If you would like to stay in touch, I would love to stay in touch on Facebook ! I love the idea of an annual park picnic BBQ too and will post on FB to arrange. I can’t wait to see your bubba grow out of their 000’s and start chasing pigeons around the playground ;)
With love and oodles of gratitude.
Nancy .x.x