How does your local hospital compare?
Choosing your care provider is one of the most important decisions you will need to make in your labour and birth preparation. The first step is thinking about what is important to you and investigating where you are most likely to receive those things.
A good rule of thumb to getting your wishes is choosing a care provider or model of care in which 'your ideal is their normal'.
The data below was collected by NSW Ministry of Health. When interpreting this data, it is worth considering that sometimes the pure statistics don't tell the whole story. The hospital may accept low risk women only and transfer high-risk patients which would keep their normal birth rates higher, some may be popular amongst women choosing elective caesarean for social reasons, and others may be catchment hospitals for high-risk or emergency transfers which increases their intervention rates and makes their normal birth rate appear lower than it actually would be in comparison to others.
Wollongong Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 2,525
Normal vaginal - 56.7%
Forceps - 4.2%
Vacuum extraction - 5%
Vaginal breech - 0.3% (8 births)
Elective caesarean section - 20.5%
Emergency caesarean section - 13.3%
Wollongong Private Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 932
Normal vaginal - 44.4%
Forceps - 1.6%
Vacuum extraction - 11.7%
Vaginal breech - 0.1% (1 births)
Elective caesarean section - 29.4%
Emergency caesarean section - 12.8%
Considerations: Private hospital
Shoalhaven and District Memorial Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 853
Normal vaginal - 61.1%
Forceps - 4.7%
Vacuum extraction - 6.6%
Vaginal breech - 0.5% (4 births)
Elective caesarean section - 16.5%
Emergency caesarean section - 10.7%
Considerations: Low risk hospital
Royal Hospital for Women
Number of births in 2018 - 3,736
Normal vaginal - 50.2%
Forceps - 10.7%
Vacuum extraction - 6.3%
Vaginal breech - 0.8% (29 births)
Elective caesarean section - 17.4%
Emergency caesarean section - 14.6%
Considerations: Level 6 Maternity Service, Tertiary hospital
Prince of Wales Private Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 2,156
Normal vaginal - 30.1%
Forceps - 2.6%
Vacuum extraction - 10.7%
Vaginal breech - <0.1% (1 births)
Elective caesarean section - 43.6%
Emergency caesarean section - 13%
Considerations: Private hospital
St George Hospital (Public)
Number of births in 2018 - 2,306
Normal vaginal - 49.7%
Forceps - 7.5%
Vacuum extraction - 11%
Vaginal breech - 0.3% (6 births)
Elective caesarean section - 16.1%
Emergency caesarean section - 15.4%
Considerations: Level 5 Maternity Service
St George Private Hospital and Medical Centre
Number of births in 2018 - 1,382
Normal vaginal - 49.7%
Forceps - 7.5%
Vacuum extraction - 11%
Vaginal breech - 0.3% (6 births)
Elective caesarean section - 16.1%
Emergency caesarean section - 15.4%
Considerations: Private hospital
Sutherland Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 1,328
Normal vaginal - 61.1%
Forceps - 5.7%
Vacuum extraction - 6%
Vaginal breech - 0.3% (4 births)
Elective caesarean section - 15.6%
Emergency caesarean section - 11.2%
Considerations: Low risk only, Level 4 Maternity Service
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 4,884
Normal vaginal - 46.7%
Forceps - 7.5%
Vacuum extraction - 9.9%
Vaginal breech - 0.4% (20 births)
Elective caesarean section - 20.9%
Emergency caesarean section - 14.6%
Considerations: Level 6 Maternity Service
Royal North Shore Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 2,734
Normal vaginal - 50.3%
Forceps - 9.4%
Vacuum extraction - 5.6%
Vaginal breech - 0.2% (6 births)
Elective caesarean section - 22.8%
Emergency caesarean section - 11.7%
Considerations: Level 6 Maternity Service
North Shore Private Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 2,287
Normal vaginal - 35%
Forceps - 4.4%
Vacuum extraction - 7.3%
Vaginal breech - 0.1% (2 births)
Elective caesarean section - 39.3%
Emergency caesarean section - 14%
Not stated - 0%
Considerations: Private hospital
Mater Misericordiae Private Hospital
Number of births in 2018 - 2,112
Normal vaginal - 33.1%
Forceps - 3.2%
Vacuum extraction - 9.2%
Vaginal breech - 0% (0 births)
Elective caesarean section - 42.1%
Emergency caesarean section - 12.4%
Considerations: Private hospital
Note: Emergency caesarean section includes caesarean sections where the onset of labour was not stated. Multiple births are counted once. Hospitals with more than 200 births in a given year are identified individually. Total NSW (or All LHDs) includes births at home assisted by independent midwives. Totals include Other and not stated category. Data include all mothers who gave birth (stillbirth or live birth) in NSW regardless of place of permanent residence. This work is copyright NSW Ministry of Health. It may be reproduced in whole or in part. Source: NSW Perinatal Data Collection (SAPHaRI). Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health.