Nancy was instrumental in our choice to have a home birth.

Nancy was instrumental in our choice to have a home birth. Without her planting the seed by asking thoughtful questions & listening carefully the very first time we met, we may not have chosen the path we did. We were blessed to have a few visits with Nancy coming to our home. We always knew that we could get in touch with any worries or questions along the way. We didn't end up having Nancy at our birth. Our baby boy came into the world rather quickly in the end and we ended up having an accidental freebirth. Nancy helped us have a birth debrief and we were able to share our combined version of events. Overall everything about working with Nancy felt informative, supportive and nurturing.

Nancy has a lot of knowledge to share as well as a passion for childbirth & parenthood.

The most helpful thing you did to support me was challenging my comments if I was being a bit black & white or judgemental. And encouraging me to consider new perspectives than I had alone.

Words of wisdom I’d like to share with a family preparing for labour, birth & bringing their baby home:

  • Do things your own way; prioritise rest, bonding with your newborn and nutrition in the early weeks.

  • Limit visitors.

Practitioners/websites/podcasts/groups I used during my pregnancy or postpartum:

  • Mostly ended up reading books as part of doula course e.g. ina may gaskin

  • Very helpful to read birth stories.

  • She Births course & online blogs by life and lens photography and Angela Gallo have been affirming in postpartum period

Emma, Chris & baby Elliott